
TouchDraw IPA 1.4.1 iPhone iPod Touch iPad Download


TouchDraw is a vector drawing application for the iPad.

TouchDraw gives you everything you need to create structured 2D vector graphics such as charts, graphs, floor plans, architecture drawings, and logos just to name a few. What makes TouchDraw especially valuable is that it allows you to not only create complex graphics, but to change them easily as well.

TouchDraw differs from a paint program in that objects are always managed independantly of the drawing they're in. You can move a figure around, change it's shape, change it's color, move it around, group it, without affecting whatever is around.


- Standard Shapes
Rounded Rectangles
- Path Tool - Easily create complex curves, shapes and paths
- Boolean operations with paths: add, subtract, intersect or exclusion
- Freehand Tool - Turn freehand lines into smooth curves
- Image Tool - Add images from your photo library to your drawings.
- Text Tool - Support for font, style, size and alignment configuration
- Convert text to paths
- Grouping/Ungrouping - Group and ungroup your figures for complex drawings.
- Locking - Lock your figures so they can't be moved or resized
- Rotation - Full support for rotating your shapes and groups
- Zoom - Unlimited levels of multitouch zoom.
- Dynamic Canvas Size - No artificial limits on the size of your drawings
- Undo/Redo - Multiple levels of undo and redo.
- Cut, Copy and Paste - Move items between drawings or into other apps.
- Feedback - Overlay panels provide measurement details on your move and zoom actions.
- Grid - Unit aware grid support with optional snap to grid support.
- Rulers - Visual feedback to your current location within a drawing
- Sharing - Export your drawings via email as PNG images, PDF files, SVG Vector Drawings or Visio Diagrams
- Photo Library - Export your drawings as an image to your photo library.
- Background Colors - Specify the background color of your drawing.
- Alignment - Align one figure to the bounds of another.
- Ordering - Control the ordering of the shapes within the drawing.
- Shadows - Support for drop shadows.
- Connectable Graphs - Support for creating flow charts and other diagrams.
- Line Decorations - Arrowheads and other line decorations
- Shape Libraries - Create your own libraries of re-usable shapes.
- Support for display on external screens via a VGA adapter.
- Support for layers
- Support for printing
- Support for folders
- Support for DropBox