The much-anticipated Boxed In 3 has finally arrived! Boxed In 3 is a unique and challenging puzzle game designed specifically for the iPhone and iPod touch.
Boxed In 3 is a puzzle game in which you guide a robot through each level with your finger. The challenge comes from the boxes obstructing your path. Push boxes in the correct order to reach a level's end. Be careful! You can't pull boxes and you can't push boxes if something is on the other side of them. Extra puzzle elements come into play by pushing boxes on to floor switches to deactivate force fields allowing you to pass through them and progress. Sound simple? =) … It gets tough! Real tough!
* 50 New Increasingly Difficult Handmade Levels
* Graphics Designed Specifically For Retina And Non Retina Devices
* Multiple Profile Slots To Save Individual Progress
* Unique Music & Sound That Compliment The Game
* View Your Stats By Level
* Auto-Save Functionality
* A Simple Intuitive Interface (Swipe To Move)
* Undo Button To Undo Your Last Move
* Option To Disable Music (Disable Music To Listen To Your iPod While You Play)
* Optional Directional Pad For Movement
* Option To Move Location Of Game Interface
* Designed Specifically For The iPhone / iPad Touch
* High Replayability
After completing the game submit your stats to Facebook to see your national, and global ranking. Go back and improve your individual level stats to improve your ranking and outdo your friends.